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Bright Destiny Butts & Ribs Fundraiser

Bright Destiny Butts & Ribs Fundraiser

This 4th of July, let us handle the barbecue! Choose from a fully cooked pork butt, a slab of spare ribs or an individual rib plate with sides. Your purchase supports our 501(c)3 nonprofit.

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bright destiny online tutoring benefits

5 Big Benefits of Online Tutoring

In the ever-increasing digital world, our Columbus, Georgia-based online tutors know how important it is to wield technology as a tool for academic growth. It is apparent that online tutoring is here to stay and may even be as beneficial as in-person tutoring.

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Two new certificate programs are now available through Bright Destiny's partnership with NOBTS
Adult Discipleship

New Certificate Programs Available!

We’re excited to share that The House of God in Midland, Georgia is offering two new certificate programs through the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) Church Training Institute. Choose from biblical theology or ministry leadership.

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Current Facility - Bright Destiny Learning Center (BDLC) - Private tutoring in Columbus, GA
Capital Campaign

Building Today for Brighter Futures Tomorrow

Our mission has always been to make high-quality education accessible to everyone, regardless of age or background. Our online Christian tutors have been an integral part of that vision, allowing us to reach students across the U.S. Now, God is stirring our hearts to impact our local community through private tutoring in Columbus, Georgia.

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Qwerty VR

Lorem ipsum amet – nullam arcu tempus lorem ipsum dolor amet nulla.

Draw & play

Purus creative – dolor amet sem nibh mattis in varius egestas nulla glavrida amet.

CBD drops

Quisque malesuada – in sem at lorem numa glavrida amet maximus.

Boxed water

Dignissim from nulla gravida posuere sagittis creative donec vel variusdolor.